6128 Abbey Oaks Way Lakeland FL 33811 is a traditional single family home. This home is found in the Abbey Oaks Subdivision in SW Lakeland FL. The home was originally built in 2009 and is the second home on your right after entering the community.
6128 Abbey Oaks Way's public records/ tax records share with us the following information. The house has a total of 4,445 square feet (sf). Of that 3,123 sf are considered living space and are heated and cooled. This is a one story home with 4 bedrooms and 3 total baths and a fireplace. The garage is approximately 732 sf and there is a finished open porch. The roof is a hip roof design with concrete tiles. The home is concrete/ masonry construction and the lot is approximately .4206 acres. Below are homes for sale in the same zip code as 6128 Abbey Oaks Way Lakeland FL 33811.