6883 Lacy Drive Lakeland FL 33813 is in a gated community known as Amanda Oaks. The house is found in the southwestern part of Lakeland in a larger area commonly referred to as Christina. There are less than 50 homes in this subdivision.
6883 Lacy Drive was built in 2003 with 3,903 total square feet and it sets on a lot measuring .4321 acres. There are 2,712 sf classified as heated and cooled. Tax records indicate 4 bedrooms and 2 total baths but some other public records indicate 4 bedrooms and 3 total baths. This is a one story dwelling and has a attached garage which has approximately 851 sf. Roof style is Hip, roof style is asphalt shingles. Construction type is masonry with a stucco finish. The foundation like most in Lakeland is concrete. Below you will see homes for sale near 6883 Lacy Drive Lakeland FL 33813.