Hickory Ridge often has homes for sale. Hickory Ridge in Southern Lakeland FL has 6 or 7 homes sell each year. There are 169 traditional single-family homes in this neighborhood and two entrances. Are you pre-approved for a home loan yet? Contact us today for assistance with loan pre-approval with a local loan officer. You may calculate home loan payments here.
The average price for a home is $190,000. The houses in the community were all built between 1999 and 2004. There are no really large homes in the neighborhood. They very in size from a comfortable 1,225 square foot home with 3-bedroom 2 bath up to a 2,814 4-bedroom home. There are no 5-bedroom homes shown on record here.
The phone number for the HOA is currently 863-686-3700. If the number has changed feel free to contact us and we will change it on this page.
Hickory Ridge is in Southern Lakeland FL. The main entrances are located on E County Road 540a between US 98 to the East and FL-37 to the West. FL-37 has more shopping but US 98 is closer and flows faster. Shopping for groceries etc. will probably be done to your West. There is a Publix Supermarket and a lot more just 1 mile to the West of Hickory Ridge. FL-37 is only 2 ½ miles further and you will find a lot more there.
Always confirm the assigned schools before submitting an offer on any home. You can do that at Polk County Schools site or several others. The current assigned public schools are Valleyview Elementary School, Lakeland Highlands Middle School and George W Jenkins Senior High School. Feel free to reach out to us about Hickory Ridge Lakeland FL homes for sale.