Highland City Elementary School Lakeland FL is actually in Highland City. However it does provide education to students who live in SE Lakeland near where CR 540A and US-98 intersect. The school is a Public PK,KG-5 grade school of around 430 students. The student to teacher ratio is better than average at around 13.4 to 1.
In the previous year 56 homes sold in Lakeland FL that were covered by Highland City Elementary School. Those homes sold for a median price of $209,900. Not bad for SE Lakeland Florida. The most expensive home sold for $580,000 which get you a very nice home in this area.
The homes for sale you see below are in the 33812 zip code nearest the school. In order to get a list of homes specifically for this school district reach out to us. We would be glad to assist you with homes for sale just in the Highland City Elementary School district.