James W Sikes Elementary School in Lakeland FL is a Public PK,KG-5th Grade school in South Lakeland Florida. The school is fairly large having over 850 students and a student to teacher ratio of 15.3 to 1. However most of the students do not live in Lakeland but rather a nearby city.
The housing market in the James W Sikes Elementary School district is pretty slim in the Lakeland Portion. Only 17 homes sold, compared to over 60 if you include the other city. In Lakeland the median price of a cold home was $185,000. If you are looking in the community called Chelsea Oaks there is a good chance the homes will be in the James W Sikes district.
The homes for sale below will be in the same zip code as the school itself. If you wish to see a lit of homes specifically in this school district reach out to us. We can help you search for exactly what you are looking for. Hopefully a home in the James W Sikes Elementary School district.