Kathleen Middle School Lakeland Florida is a fairly small middle school. Having just around 600 students and a student to teacher ratio of 13.5 to 1 or slightly higher depending on your source. You may want to research this schools ranking among other middle schools. Historically it has not ranked well with all of the available school research sites/resources.
As you may expect this school district covers a fair amount of land. Last year 140 homes sold in this portion of Lakeland. Nearly 20 are available at any given time even in the slow parts of the year. The median price of a sold home in 2019 was $185,500. That is not a bad price for a home anywhere in central Florida.
The homes for sale below are in the same zip code as the school itself. If you would like to get a specific list of homes in this school district contact us. We would be glad to assist you finding a home in the Kathleen Middle School district.