Lincoln Avenue Academy in North Lakeland Florida is a Public Magnet KG-5th Grade School. The school currently has around 560 students and a student to teacher ratio of about 14.9 to 1. In 2019 this school outranked 99.5% of other public elementary schools in Florida and all elementary schools in Polk County. Not bad at all for a Lakeland Fl school !
Since this is a Magnet School I will show you the homes for sale and cover the housing market in the same zip code that the school is located in. There are normally about 50 homes for sale in the 33805 zip code. In the previous year around 130 homes sold here. The median price of a sold home was only $178,000.
If you are searching for a home in a specific school district or near a place of interest reach out to us. We would be glad to assist you in your search and even send you a list of homes that meet your specific criteria. Maybe soon your youngster will be attending and excelling in the Lincoln Avenue Academy.