R Bruce Wagner Elementary School in Lakeland Florida is a Public PK, KG-5th Grade school. There are around 805 students in this school with a student to teacher ratio of around 15.2 to one. The school is located in the southern portion of Lakeland.
There are around 50 homes sell in this school district (in Lakeland) each year. The median price of a sold home is around $245,000. Most of the homes were built before 2010. If you are curious the most expensive home which sold in the previous 12 months was $570,000 and Morgan Creek Preserve is one of the nicer communities served by the school
The homes for sale below will be in a zip code commonly served by this school. However to get a list of homes specifically for this schools' district reach out to us. We would be glad to assist you with finding a home for sale in the R Bruce Wagner Elementary School district.