Valleyview Elementary School in South Lakeland Florida is a Public PK,KG-5th Grade school. This is probably one of the most sought after schools in the area. Valleyview Elementary ranks in the top 10% among the over 2000 similar schools in the state (in 2020) according to School Digger our online resource. There are 725 students in this school and the student to teacher ration is 15.4 to 1.
Here is some useful home searching data. In the last year (2019) around 150 homes sold. That is a lot of homes but the district is fairly large. The median price of a sold home was $274,900. That means that 75 homes sold for less and 75 homes sold for that much or more. The most expensive home to sell was for $890,000. As you look around here google the communities. You will see that we dominate.
Since the bulk of the schools coverage area is centered around the school We will list the homes for sale in the zip code of the school below. If you wish to see a list of homes for sale just in the district reach out to us. We would love to help. Hopefully soon you will be living in the Valleyview Elementary School district.