The Blue Devils
Public Schools in Winter Haven FL
Below is a list of the public schools serving the residents of Winter Haven Florida. You will also find the address and contact phone numbers for the school. The list of private schools is very long so we focus on the public schools but may list some private or charter etc. also. Depending on where you live the school you use may not be on this list.
The public schools in Winter Haven FL can be researched at we also suggest inquiring about scheduled rezoning. This should especially be done in areas rapidly expanding evidenced by new communities.
High Schools in Winter Haven FL
Auburndale Senior High School
Auburndale Senior High School is located on the southeast side of Lake Ariana in Auburndale Florida very near Winter Haven’s city boundary. This high school has approximately 1,628 students between the 9th and 12th grades. Far more than the 160 students in my high school.
Auburndale is known as the Bloodhounds. Academically the school also offers family and consumer sciences, drama, art, various clubs, music, architectural design and engineering academy, agricultural technologies academy, digital graphics and medical academy.
- 1 Bloodhound Trail
- Auburndale Florida,33823
- 863-965-6200
- Grades 9-12
Chain of Lakes Collegiate High
The Chain of Lakes Collegiate High School is located on the south side of Polk State College. Nearby are Lake Martha and Lake Elbert. If you are looking at Winter Haven from above this school would be found on the NE side of the downtown area. It is a Public Charter and has around 305 students making it the smallest student wise in Winter Haven and no doubt the highest ranking online.
The primary focus of the Chain of Lakes Collegiate High School is college readiness. Being located basically on the campus of a college no doubt helps the students visualize themselves as college students already. This is an incredible school and worth checking out if you are considering moving to Winter Haven Florida.
- 999 Avenue H NE
- Winter Haven Florida,33881
- 863-298-6800
- Grades 11-12
New Beginnings High School
New Beginnings High School is located on the west side of Lake Alfred Road on the north side of downtown Winter Haven. On a map you will notice that it is between Lake Hartridge and Lake Conine.
This school has around 950 students between the grades of 6-12. New Beginnings is a Public Charter and a great place to contact and see if you can lend assistance.
- 3425 Lake Alfred Road,
- Winter Haven Florida,33881
- 863-298-5666
- Grades 6-12
Winter Haven Senior
Winter Haven Senior High School is located on the east side of the downtown area of Winter Haven. Just to the east of the school is Lake Otis. The school has around 2,250 students and they are known as the Blue Devils in the High School sports world.
Their website says that the school offers men’s baseball, basketball, cross country, football, golf, lacrosse, soccer, swimming, tennis, track and wrestling. For the young ladies, basketball, cheerleading, cross country, golf, lacrosse, soccer, swimming and diving, softball, tennis, track, volleyball and weightlifting.
- 6th Street SE,
- Winter Haven Florida,33880
- 863-291-5330
- Grades 9-12
Middle Schools in Winter Haven FL
Cypress Junction Montessori
- 220 5th Street SW,
- Winter Haven Florida,33880
- 863-259-1490
- Grades K-8
Denison Middle School
- 400 Ave A SE,
- Winter Haven Florida,33880
- 863-291-5353
- Grades 6-8
Jewett Middle School
- 601 Ave T NE,
- Winter Haven Florida,33881
- 863-291-5320
- Grades 6-8
Jewett School of the Arts
- 2250 8th Street NE,
- Winter Haven Florida,33881
- 863-291-5373
- Grades K-8
Language and Literacy Academy
- 330 Avenue C SE,
- Winter Haven Florida,33880
- 863-268-2903
- Grades PK-12
Westwood Middle School
- 3520 Avenue J NW,
- Winter Haven Florida,33881
- 863-965-5484
- Grades 6-8
Winter Haven Florida Elementary Schools
Chain of Lakes Elementary School
- 7001 CR 653,
- Winter Haven Florida,33884
- 863-326-5388
- K-5
Cypress Junction Montessori
- 220 5th Street SW,
- Winter Haven Florida,33880
- 863-259-1490
- Grades K-8
Elbert Elementary School
- 205 15th Street NE,
- Winter Haven Florida,33881
- 863-291-5364
- Grades PK-5
Fred G Garner Elementary School
- 2500 Havendale Blvd NW,
- Winter Haven Florida,33881
- 863-965-5455
- Grades PK-5
Frank E Brigham Academy
- 601 Avenue C SE,
- Winter Haven Florida,33880
- 863-291-5300
- Grades K-5
Garden Grove Elementary School
- 4599 Cypress Gardens Road,
- Winter Haven Florida,33884
- 863-291-5396
- Grades K-5
Inwood Elementary School
- 2200 Avenue G NW,
- Winter Haven Florida,33880
- 863-291-5369
- Grades K-5
Jewett School of the Arts
- 2250 8th Street NE,
- Winter Haven Florida,33881
- 863-291-5373
- Grades K-8
Lake Shipp Elementary School
- 250 Camellia Drive,
- Winter Haven Florida,33880
- 863-291-5384
- Grades K-5
Snively Elementary School
- 848 Snively Avenue,
- Winter Haven Florida,33880
- 863-291-5325
- Grades PK-5
Wahneta Elementary School
- 205 4th Wahneta Street E,
- Winter Haven Florida,33880
- 863-291-5392
- Grades PK-5
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