Sunset Cove sometimes has homes for sale. Sunset Cove in west Winter Haven FL normally averages 4 home sales each year. There are 82 homes in the community so there are just not many homes to resell.
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Sunset Cove is on the northeast side of Sears Lake. There are 13 lakefront homes and several more which are waterfront overlooking ponds in the neighborhood. There is no community pool, playground or sidewalks. The community is somewhat off the beaten path so traffic in it is usually limited to residents and visitors. The primary attraction is the cleanliness of the community and the lakefront properties. The homes were all built between 2001 and 2004.
Currently the best phone number for the HOA is 863-288-0330. If this changes we will update the information as soon as we are made aware.
The Publix Supermarket is a short drive to the other side of Sears Lake. It is located on the southwest side of Sears lake. There is also a pizzeria, bank, McDonalds and a Circle K there. If like many of us you visit downtown Winter Haven on a regular basis you will be able to stop by the Walmart Supercenter. It is located on the south side of downtown. There is a lot more available that I will leave to your discovery.
The public education for the residents includes Lake Region High School, Westwood Middle and the Elementary School is Eagle lake. All of the schools are within 3.5 miles. I will make sure this is still accurate when we assist you with any Sunset Cove Winter Haven FL homes for sale.